Account Data

Description of the account data sent as payload to your endpoint.

The event data model delivered for this category:

The Account Data model is delivered on: Creation, Amendment or Removal

eventNotificationGroupId: 300

eventNotificationTypeId: 300 or 301 or 302 (Create, Amend or Cancel)

    "eventNotificationCompanyIdentifier": "b6589fc6ab",
    "eventNotificationCompanyName": "North Shore Seaplanes",
    "eventNotificationDateTime": "2021-02-04 12:35:41",
    "eventNotificationId": "3",
    "eventNotificationName": "account create",
    "eventNotificationType": "Account Creation",
    "eventNotificationGroupId": "300",
    "eventNotificationTypeId": "300",
    "eventNotificationSystem": "support",
    "eventNotificationIpAddress": "",
    "eventData": {
        "account": {
            "accountGroupId": "0",
            "accountGroupName": {},
            "accountId": "398",
            "accountName": "Expedia Europe",
            "accountRateType": "Wholesale (Discount/Invoice)",
            "accountType": "Reseller",
            "annaulRevenue": "45.000000",
            "businessNumber": "GNB125631",
            "description": "Expedia main company contact for all OTA reselling",
            "email": "",
            "employees": {},
            "fax": "305-123-1234",
            "industry": {},
            "manager": "Yuri Belcher",
            "otherPhone": "305-123-1234",
            "phone": "305-123-1234",
            "primaryAddress": "Suite 423 119 W Pender",
            "primaryCity": "Vancouver",
            "primaryCountry": "Canada",
            "primaryState": "British Columbia",
            "primaryZip": "V6B1S5",
            "website": ""

Last updated

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