Booking Data
Description of the booking data sent as payload to your endpoint.
Booking Event Payload
The event data model delivered for this category:
Booking Data model is delivered on: Creation, Amendment or Cancellation
: 100
: 100 or 101 or 102 (Create, Amend or Cancel)
"eventNotificationCompanyIdentifier": "b6589fc6ab",
"eventNotificationCompanyName": "North Shore Seaplanes",
"eventNotificationDateTime": "2021-02-08 21:42:21",
"eventNotificationGroupId": 100,
"eventNotificationId": 2,
"eventNotificationIpAddress": "",
"eventNotificationName": "booking amend",
"eventNotificationSystem": "support",
"eventNotificationType": "Booking Amendment",
"eventNotificationTypeId": 101,
"eventData": {
"booking": {
"activities": {
"activity": {
"activityAccountingCode": {},
"activityDate": "Monday February 01 2021",
"activityId": 167,
"activityIsMultidayRental": false,
"activityIsRental": true,
"activityName": "my rental",
"activityNotes": {},
"activityRentalDuration_Hours": "0.41666666666667",
"activityRentalEndDateTime": "2021-02-01 16:30:00",
"activityRentalStartDateTime": "2021-02-01 16:05:00",
"activityStatus": "Active",
"activitySubTotal": "$20.00",
"activityTax": "$1.00",
"activityTime": "00:00:00",
"activityType": "Rental",
"equipmentAssignmentId": "2",
"freeEditField": {},
"packageId": "0",
"passengers": {
"adults": "1",
"children": "0",
"infants": "0",
"seniors": "0",
"students": "0"
"priceCodeDetails": {
"adultsPrice": "20.000000",
"adultsSurplusFee": "0.000000",
"childrenPrice": "0.000000",
"childrenSurplusFee": "0.000000",
"infantsPrice": "0.000000",
"infantsSurplusFee": "0.000000",
"priceCodeId": "426",
"seniorsPrice": "0.000000",
"seniorsSurplusFee": "0.000000",
"studentsPrice": "0.000000",
"studentsSurplusFee": "0.000000"
"pricingOptions": {},
"taxes" : {}
"bookingCloseDateTime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"bookingId": "704",
"bookingRevenue": {
"bookingSubTotal": "487.2",
"bookingSubTotal_formated": "$487.20",
"bookingTax": "24.36",
"bookingTax_formated": "$24.36",
"bookingTotal": "511.56",
"bookingTotal_formated": "$511.56"
"bookingSaleDateTime": "2021-02-08 19:28:43",
"customers": {
"customer": {
"addressLine1": "Suite 423 119 W Pender",
"addressLine2": {},
"allowsPrivateDataSharing": "false",
"birthDate": "N/A",
"city": "Vancouver",
"country": "Canada",
"customerId": "601",
"email": "",
"firstName": "Ben",
"homePhone": {},
"lastName": "Winters",
"loyaltyProgramOptIn": "false",
"mobilePhone": "6045669284",
"newsLetterOptIn": "false",
"state": {},
"username": "",
"zipCode": "V6B1S5"
"giftCertifications": {
"giftCertificate": {
"activityId": "166",
"activityName": "Vancouver Sightseeing",
"activitySpecific": "false",
"amount": "$487.20",
"expiryDate": "2026-02-08",
"guestName": "Ben Winters",
"dateCreated" : "2021-03-08 12:58:07"
"passes": [{}],
"products": {
"product": {
"productId": 5,
"productName": "Mens Medium T-shirt",
"productAccountingCode": "PROD-3601",
"packageId": 0,
"productDate": "2021-02-08",
"quantity": 1.00,
"productSubTotal": "$20.00",
"productTax": "$13.19",
"taxes": { }
"transactions": {
"transaction": [
"activityDateTime": {},
"activityId": "0",
"amount": "511.560000",
"attributeId": "846",
"dateCreated": "2021-02-08 21:27:55",
"discountRate": "0.000000",
"id": "847",
"productId": 0,
"productDate": "",
"promoCodeName": {},
"promoCodeRate": "-1",
"purchaseType": "3000",
"resellerCompanyId": "-1",
"resellerCompanyName": {},
"resellerInvoiceNumber": "-1",
"resellerNet": "0.000000",
"resellerRate": "0.000000",
"resellerRateName": {},
"transactionName": "Cash",
"transactionType": "2002",
"transactionTypeLedgerEntry": "debit"
"activityDateTime": {},
"activityId": "0",
"amount": "0.000000",
"attributeId": "848",
"dateCreated": "2021-02-08 21:42:21",
"discountRate": "0.000000",
"id": "849",
"promoCodeName": {},
"promoCodeRate": "-1",
"purchaseType": "3000",
"resellerCompanyId": "-1",
"resellerCompanyName": {},
"resellerInvoiceNumber": "-1",
"resellerNet": "0.000000",
"resellerRate": "0.000000",
"resellerRateName": {},
"transactionName": "No Payment Processed",
"transactionType": "0",
"transactionTypeLedgerEntry": "N/A"
Transaction Types
Out platform allows our customer to rename and set their own payment transactions and names. For that reason and as part of the transaction object in the booking data, the transaction.transactionName
and the transaction.transactionTypeLedgerEntry
are sent along. The transactionTypeId
is our internal ID, the transactionName
is the custom name and the transactionTypeLedgeEntry
indicates a debit (dr) or credit (cr) transaction. Knowing this can be useful if your, for example, your integration is for accounting purposes.
Item Tax records
For each item on a booking (activity or product) our system provides a taxes
array of object. Each tax
object will contain the following details:
//rest of the activity, product schema
"taxId": "2",
"taxName": "GST",
"taxAccountingCode": "QBO-GLT-001",
"taxableTax": "false",
"taxRate": "5.000000",
"taxRateTypeId": "2",
"taxRateTypeIdName": "Percentage",
"taxAmount": "1.58"
Pricing Options Records
For each activity on a booking our system will provide a pricingOptions array of options. Each option will contain the following details:
//rest of the activity schema
"id": "13565",
"name" : "Some upsell option",
"description": "Some long description of the pricing option",
"amount" : "10.00",
"quantity": "2",
"accountingCode": "PO-GL-3522"
Last updated