Returns the product(s) with pricing added to the units
Path Parameters
{//rest of the product object"units":[{//... pricing unit object"pricingFrom": [ {"original":4500,"retail":4500,"net":3500,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] }, {"original":4000,"retail":4000,"net":3000,"currency":"GBP","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":700,"net":400 } ] } ], }]}
Pricing From Field Definitions
Product Object Additions
We have added the following changes to the Product object for pricing:
{//rest of the Product Object"defaultCurrency": "CAD","availableCurrencies": ["CAD","EUR","GBP"],"pricingPer": "UNIT"// "UNIT" or "BOOKING"}
UNIT means pricing is based on each unit as defined in the Product Object. Examples: day tours, transportation, attractions, any price per unit or age band.
BOOKING means pricing is the same regardless of number of units. Examples: charter bookings, group bookings, or ad-hoc pricing where it might be a fix price for the entire product.
Adding pricing to the availability calendar check will return a final quote before reserving the inventory for a booking.
Request Body
// If no Units are passed in{// rest of the Availability response"unitPricingFrom": [ {"unitId":"adults_0e064227-c793-426b-857c-2d1fcba62582","original":4500,"retail":4500,"net":3500,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] }, {"unitId":"children_ea3b2ef2-a035-45d4-9a65-9f86b779f7df","original":4200,"retail":4200,"net":3200,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] } ]}// If Units are passed in{// rest of the Availability response"unitPricingFrom": [ {"unitId":"adults_0e064227-c793-426b-857c-2d1fcba62582","original":4500,"retail":4500,"net":3500,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] }, {"unitId":"children_ea3b2ef2-a035-45d4-9a65-9f86b779f7df","original":4200,"retail":4200,"net":3200,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] } ],"pricingFrom":{ // Totals the unit price x units passed in to request"original":4500,"retail":4500,"net":3500,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] }}
Adding pricing to the availability check will return a final quote before reserving the inventory for a booking.
Request Body
// If no Units are passed in{// rest of the Availability response"unitPricing": [ {"unitId":"adults_0e064227-c793-426b-857c-2d1fcba62582","original":4500,"retail":4500,"net":3500,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] }, {"unitId":"children_ea3b2ef2-a035-45d4-9a65-9f86b779f7df","original":4200,"retail":4200,"net":3200,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] } ]}// If Units are passed in{// rest of the Availability response"unitPricing": [ {"unitId":"adults_0e064227-c793-426b-857c-2d1fcba62582","original":4500,"retail":4500,"net":3500,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] }, {"unitId":"children_ea3b2ef2-a035-45d4-9a65-9f86b779f7df","original":4200,"retail":4200,"net":3200,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] } ],"pricing":{ // Totals the unit price x units passed in to request"original":4500,"retail":4500,"net":3500,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] }}
Use the /octo/suppliers/:id/availability/ call to perform simple price checks.
{// of booking schema"pricing": {"original":4500,"retail":4500,"net":3500,"currency":"USD","currencyPrecision":2,"includedTaxes": [ {"name":"VAT 10","retail":800,"net":500 } ] }// of the booking schema}
The original price for this product which will be the same or higher than the sale amount.
The sale price you should charge your customers.
The wholesale rate the supplier will charge you for this sale.
The currency.
We send back pricing in integers. This value indicates the currency precision so as to avoid rounding errors. For example, CAD = 2, USD = 2. eg. subtotal = subtotal / (10 ** currencyPrecision).
Any taxes included in the retail and/or net price.
The suppliers default currency.
Other currencies that the the supplier accepts.
How the supplier prices the requested product. (UNIT, BOOKING)