ZAPI Calls Activity Calls Check Inventory Performs a single inventory check by travel date.
Request Body
The travel date. If left blank, the current date will be used. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
If left blank, the call will return details for each activity time configured for the activity and activity date. If you provide an activity time, then details for only the requested time slot will be returned. Format: HH:MM:SS.
If left blank, this will be treated as 0. If you provide them, then inventories will be compared and filtered based on the requested passengers.
Generated by the supplier system when a new contact is created.
Generated by the supplier system.
Token that must be used for a reseller to communicate with the supplier system.
200: OK
Copy <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
< response >
< zapiVersion >2.1</ zapiVersion >
< error >0</ error >
< message >OK</ message >
< methodResponse >
< methodName >zapiCheckActivityInventoryByDate</ methodName >
< activityId >80</ activityId >
< activityDate >2022-11-23</ activityDate >
< activityName >
<![CDATA[ Canyon Icewalk ]]>
</ activityName >
< activityType >500</ activityType >
< totalRequestedPassengers >0</ totalRequestedPassengers >
< activityTimes >
< activityTime >
< activityTimeStart >13:00:00</ activityTimeStart >
< activityTimeCancelled >false</ activityTimeCancelled >
< activityTimeAvailable >true</ activityTimeAvailable >
< activityTimeCancelledOnlineOnly >false</ activityTimeCancelledOnlineOnly >
< activityTimeAvailableMessage />
< inventoryCheckCode >0</ inventoryCheckCode >
< inventoryCheckMessage >OK</ inventoryCheckMessage >
< activityTimeSpotsRemaining >50</ activityTimeSpotsRemaining >
< numberOnStandby >0</ numberOnStandby >
< isStandbyAvailable >false</ isStandbyAvailable >
< status >AVAILABLE</ status >
< fixedDepartureOptions />
</ activityTime >
</ activityTimes >
< priceCodeId >400</ priceCodeId >
< allowedPassengers >
< passengerType >
< systemTypeId >10</ systemTypeId >
< systemTypeName >seniors</ systemTypeName >
< name >
<![CDATA[ Seniors ]]>
</ name >
< defaultValue >0</ defaultValue >
< basePrice >$50.00</ basePrice >
</ passengerType >
< passengerType >
< systemTypeId >11</ systemTypeId >
< systemTypeName >adults</ systemTypeName >
< name >
<![CDATA[ Adults ]]>
</ name >
< defaultValue >2</ defaultValue >
< basePrice >$50.00</ basePrice >
</ passengerType >
< passengerType >
< systemTypeId >12</ systemTypeId >
< systemTypeName >students</ systemTypeName >
< name >
<![CDATA[ Students ]]>
</ name >
< defaultValue >0</ defaultValue >
< basePrice >$50.00</ basePrice >
</ passengerType >
< passengerType >
< systemTypeId >13</ systemTypeId >
< systemTypeName >children</ systemTypeName >
< name >
<![CDATA[ Children ]]>
</ name >
< defaultValue >0</ defaultValue >
< basePrice >$50.00</ basePrice >
</ passengerType >
< passengerType >
< systemTypeId >14</ systemTypeId >
< systemTypeName >infants</ systemTypeName >
< name >
<![CDATA[ Infants ]]>
</ name >
< defaultValue >0</ defaultValue >
< basePrice >$50.00</ basePrice >
</ passengerType >
</ allowedPassengers >
</ methodResponse >
</ response >
Request Response
Copy <request>
Copy <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
< response >
< zapiVersion ></ zapiVersion >
< error ></ error >
< message ></ message >
< methodResponse >
< methodName >zapiCheckActivityInventoryByDate</ methodName >
< activityId ></ activityId >
< activityDate ></ activityDate >
< activityName ></ activityName >
< activityType ></ activityType >
< totalRequestedPassengers ></ totalRequestedPassengers >
< activityTimes >
< activityTime >
< activityTimeStart ></ activityTimeStart >
< activityTimeAvailable ></ activityTimeAvailable >
< activityTimeAvailableMessage />
< inventoryCheckCode ></ inventoryCheckCode >
< inventoryCheckMessage ></ inventoryCheckMessage >
< activityTimeSpotsRemaining ></ activityTimeSpotsRemaining >
</ activityTime >
</ activityTimes >
</ methodResponse >
</ response >