ZAPI Calls Interacting with a Cart Add Product to Cart This API call will add the requested quantity to any existing quantities that are in the cart for the same product.
Request Body
Token that must be used for a reseller to communicate with the supplier system.
Generated by the supplier system when a new contact is created.
Generated by the supplier system.
Optional parameters for linking a product to an individual package. Required for percentage-based products.
ID of the current cart session to add the activity to.
Optional parameters for linking a product to an individual activity. Required for percentage-based products.
How many of each product to add to the card
200: OK
Copy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<![CDATA[Ski Poles]]>
<![CDATA[Added 2]]>
For percentage-based products, linkage to a package or activity will be required. This will also automatically determine the product price when it’s a percentage.
Request Response
Copy <request>
Copy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>