Check In
Check in a guest or guests for a single activity in a single booking
Request Body
Token that must be used for a reseller to communicate with the supplier system.
Retrieved from running the Agent Login call.
Generated by the supplier system when a new contact is created.
Generated by the supplier system.
Confirmation number assigned once booking is confirmed.
ID of the activity to check in.
The travel date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
True or False. Default value is True.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<![CDATA[< Checked In > #40248
Guest: Barak Obama
Canyon Icewalk 2022-05-25 13:00:00 2 (ad) Balance: $0.00]]>
<![CDATA[< Checked In > #40248]]>
<![CDATA[< Checked In > #40248
Guest: Barak Obama
Canyon Icewalk 2022-05-25 13:00:00 2 (ad) ]]>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>