ZAPI Calls Interacting with a Cart Remove Product This API callback will remove the product entirely from the cart, regardless of the quantity for that product. If the same product is part of a package that is also within the cart, these will remain.
Request Body
Token that must be used for a reseller to communicate with the supplier system.
ID of the current cart session to add the activity to.
Generated by the supplier system when a new contact is created.
Generated by the supplier system.
ID of the product to remove.
200: OK
Copy <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
< response >
< zapiVersion >2.1</ zapiVersion >
< error >0</ error >
< message >OK</ message >
< methodResponse >
< methodName >zapiRemoveProductCartItem</ methodName >
< methodErrorCode >0</ methodErrorCode >
< methodErrorMessage >
<![CDATA[Ski Poles removed]]>
</ methodErrorMessage >
< cart >
< cartId >b426a7c1d3b368a8d63ac60688b74f30</ cartId >
< customers />
< activities />
< products />
< remainingBalance >
< balance >$0.00</ balance >
</ remainingBalance >
< cartTotals >
< bookingNumber >0</ bookingNumber >
< modifyBookingNumber >0</ modifyBookingNumber >
< bookingSourcedOnline />
< activityTotal >$0.00</ activityTotal >
< activityTax >$0.00</ activityTax >
< productTotal >$0.00</ productTotal >
< productTax >$0.00</ productTax >
< packageTotal >$0.00</ packageTotal >
< activitySurplusFees >$0.00</ activitySurplusFees >
< guestFee >$0.00</ guestFee >
< surchargeTotal >$0.00</ surchargeTotal >
< perPersonTax >$0.00</ perPersonTax >
< total >$0.00</ total >
< tax >$0.00</ tax >
< taxUnrounded >$0.00</ taxUnrounded >
< totalIncludingTax >$0.00</ totalIncludingTax >
< totalNetAmount >$0.00</ totalNetAmount >
< zauiMerchantFee >$0.30</ zauiMerchantFee >
< packageTotal_formatted >$0.00</ packageTotal_formatted >
< activityTotal_formatted >$0.00</ activityTotal_formatted >
< productTotal_formatted >$0.00</ productTotal_formatted >
< subtotal_formatted >$0.00</ subtotal_formatted >
< tax_formatted >$0.00</ tax_formatted >
< totalIncludingTax_formatted >$0.00</ totalIncludingTax_formatted >
< totalNetAmount_formatted >$0.00</ totalNetAmount_formatted >
</ cartTotals >
</ cart >
< currencies />
</ methodResponse >
</ response >
Request Response
Copy < request >
< zapiToken ></ zapiToken >
< zapiAccountId ></ zapiAccountId >
< zapiUserId ></ zapiUserId >
< zapiMethod >
< methodName >zapiAddRemoveProductCartItem</ methodName >
< cartId ></ cartId >
< productId ></ productId >
</ zapiMethod >
</ request >
Copy <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
< response >
< zapiversion >2.0</ zapiversion >
< error >0</ error >
< message >OK</ message >
< methodresponse >
< methodname >zapiRemoveProductCartItem</ methodname >
< methoderrorcode >0</ methoderrorcode >
< methoderrormessage ></ methoderrormessage >
</ methodresponse >
</ response >