ZAPI Calls Agent Calls Authenticate Agent Authenticates that the agent is part of the system
The system will return a success or failure, along with both the agent ID and the agent hash key. These can then be used later to add items to the cart session of packages, activities and products.
Request Body
Token that must be used for a reseller to communicate with the supplier system.
Generated by the supplier system when a new contact is created.
Generated by the supplier system.
200: OK
Copy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<![CDATA[119 W Pender St Suite 423]]>
<dateCreated>2021-11-23 12:26:51</dateCreated>
<![CDATA[Agent account found]]>
Request Response
Copy <request>
Copy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>